
The Disposable Liquid Volume Tester for Anilox Rolls, Full Coating Gravure Rolls and Tri-Helical Rolls

Capatch è uno strumento monouso che, a contatto con il cilindro, funziona come una specie di adesivo. Il liquido indicatore contenuto nella capsula posta sull’estremità inferiore del Capatch viene fatto fuoriuscire con una lama denominata racla e viene fatto passare tra il cilindro e la striscia stessa. La goccia di liquido indicatore viene fatta fuoriuscire dalla capsula e, spinta dalla racletta, entra nelle celle aperte del cilindro. La goccia di liquido riempie dapprima le celle più vicine alla capsula e diventa sempre più piccola, man mano che viene spinta in avanti, fino a che l’intero volume della goccia non è sparito completamente nelle celle. La lunghezza del percorso del liquido è inversamente proporzionale al volume attuale dell’inchiostro nelle celle aperte del cilindro. Poiché il volume del liquido indicatore rimane costante in tutte le fasce Capatch, la lunghezza del percorso misura il volume d’inchiostro, di colla o vernice nelle celle del cilindro.

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Instruction video

Watch our instruction video to see how Capatch should be used correctly.

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Per cilindri anilox e spalmatori (Rivestimento integrale).it.pngen.png
Per cilindri tri-elicoidali.en.pngen.png

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Step-By-Step Instruction

After watching the Instruction Video follow here few simple steps and read the content at each step.

Step 3

Take the doctor blade and put the index finger on the arrow of the doctor blade. Keep the angle of your doctor blade roughly 45 degrees to the roll at all times while doctoring. Start below the marked arrow on the Capatch, squeeze the indicator fluid from the capsule along the scale printed on the Capatch, moving in a slow tempo but with a firm press from the index finger (not the thumb) on the doctor blade. A slow tempo is needed to allow the indicator fluid to penetrate the cells bit by bit. Repeat this many times until there is no more visible movement of indicator fluid. Then use the left or right side, meaning moving the doctor blade arrow to the left or to the right of the arrow on the capsule, to squeeze the rest of the indicator fluid out of the capsule; this is typically at least 10 percent of the fluid, although it may not be easily visible in the capsule. Be aware that a layer of indicator fluid accumulates between the roll and the Capatch foil which is not in the cells, therefore repeat sharp doctoring on the rolls to make sure that ALL the indicator fluid has been pushed from the capsule and between the foil and the roll into the cells of the roll. Remember that the Capatch is calibrated on 100% of the indicator fluid leaving the capsule. Be aware that there is only a very little drop of indicator fluid in the capsule and if you leave 10 percent of the little drop of indicator fluid behind in the capsule AND you leave 10 percent behind between the foil and the roll, the reading will result in a 20 percent error with the volume 20 percent too large.
